Personal Trainer for Models
What is the best time for a work-out?

For most of us, exercise is about when we can find the room in our schedules but did you know that there are huge benefits to getting a work-out at the right time? So, what time of day is better for exercising?

Weight loss vs muscle building

The benefits of training at certain times of the day has an impact on the results we want to achieve. Training in the morning has been shown to have a more significant impact on weight loss whereas an evening work-out will help boost the effectiveness of strength training.

First thing in the morning, before breakfast, is a great way to burn fat. Our bodies are depleted of food reserves and it is at this point that the body switches to its stored fuel – fat – to burn for the energy needed in your work-out. If you find you can’t exercise on an empty stomach then have a small snack before eating properly after your training is done.

Evening exercise, on the other hand, is preferable for building muscle because our bodies are well-fuelled and hormone levels, vital for muscle-resistance training, are at optimal levels.

Mornings: The pros and cons

As well as being a good way to burn fat, mornings are a great way to start a day off right. The boost in your metabolism that comes with exercise will make you sharper and more alert as well as feeling positive and, maybe, a little smug. Your day won’t have any of that dread about having to schedule in exercise because you’ve already done it! Be aware though that the increase in activity can trigger your appetite so don’t spoil your good work by rewarding those cravings with extra food.

Lastly, it’s far easier to get up a little earlier to squeeze in some exercise than it is to eat into much of the rest of the day.

Lunchtimes: The pros and cons

By lunchtime your muscles will be warmed up and you are alert so is also a good time to train. Many of us also find that it is an excellent way to deal with stress at work but, because of the time constraints, you may find that you don’t manage to get a full work-out in this time.

Evenings: The pros and cons

Exercising in the evenings is far easier for many of us to schedule and can be a great way to unwind from work as a stress-reliever. If you train with a partner or in a group or class then it is more likely that these will be in the evenings than first thing in the morning.

The downside of evening exercise is the possibility of it interfering with your sleep. Training too close to bedtime increases your body temperature and hormone levels, all of which can negatively impact your sleep. Try to ensure that you have enough time post work-out to cool down and incorporate some relaxation before you hit the sack.